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Friends of the Lopez Island Library

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The purpose of the Friends of the Lopez Island Library is to provide ancillary support to the Lopez Island Library facility and staff, and to promote library awareness. The Friends of the Library raises funds to pay for things the library taxing district’s general budget does not cover. The Friends host a very popular used book sale each year on the 4th of July. Hardback books and paperbacks are sold to raise money for the library. Year-round used books may be purchased at the library and the Lopez ferry landing. In addition to book sales, the Friends sell Lopez Library Logo gift items at the library including aprons, coffee mugs, and book totes.


Funds raised by the Friends have been used to produce all the free library programs available to the public, and to purchase such items as computers, shelving and display cases, and the renovation of the community meeting room and basement. They also pay for work on the library grounds, including landscaping, pruning, and driveway maintenance.

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